Superior Felt & Filtration is the choice nonwoven supplier for many industries, including Filtration, Industrial, Automotive, Medical, Appliance, Decorative, Aerospace and more. Superior felt is the leading nonwoven manufacturer with exceptional quality and the largest inventory in North America with over 100 years of experience. We continuously focus on growth and new technologies to provide the highest quality felt for you.
Stocking hundreds of styles of wool and synthetic felts serving the industrial and automotive markets with the largest variety of nonwovens
Wool & Synthetic Felt SolutionsFiltration media by application or micron rating - Available in various materials, densities & thicknesses.
Air & Liquid Filtration SolutionsTrupor® is a multi-layer gradient-density hydrophilic membrane composite, delivering higher flux at lower pressure drop
Micro-filtration SolutionsNonwoven automotive solutions for seating, headliners, gaskets, anti-squeak/anti-rattle (NHV) and other interior components. It is a preferred felt for OEM and aftermarket solutions.
Automotive Technical FeltsSuperior Felt & Filtration offers a variety of value-add converting services.
We can help you determine the best solution for your felt & filtration needs.
Matt’s role as an ambassador will involve promoting innovation and...
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