Filtration 2016 Philadelphia

Filtration 2016 Show

Posted Under: Events, News & Events


Leading Non Woven Manufacturer Exhibits at Filtration 2016 Show


Filtration 2016 Show Banner

As an industry leading non woven manufacturer of felt and filtration media, Superior Felt and Filtration, LLC will be featured at Booth 301 during the Filtration 2016 Show.

The Filtration International Conference and Expo takes place Nov 8-10 at the Pennsylvania Convention Center. This event  is put on by the Association of the Nonwoven Fabrics Industry (INDA).

Filter media manufacturers, raw material suppliers, fabricators, machine equipment manufacturers, and filtration manufacturing companies from around the world will be attending this event.

Exploratory, educational and technical topics will be centered on revolutionary technologies and filtration media solutions, market trends, industry intelligence, and ground-breaking technical presentations.Filtration 2016 Booth 301

Filtration 2016 INDA

Superior Felt & Filtration is a non woven supplier to many industries including Filtration, Industrial, Automotive, Medical, Appliance, Decorative, Aerospace and more. As a leading non woven manufacturer, we offer exceptional quality with the largest inventory in North America.

Our non woven textile manufacturing and distribution capabilities allow us to offer a diverse range of felt and filtration products from roll goods to a finished component.